Current Issue

Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 10/9/24

Year: 2024

The International Journal "Electronic Letters on Science&Engineering"(e-LSE) reportrs the original research in science and engineering at a high level in electronic form. The scope of e-LSE spans the whole range of science and engineering. The e-LSE includes interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. Electronically published since 2005, e-LSE provides rapid publication of topical research into the integration of science and engineering techniques.

The International Journal "Electronic Letters on Science&Engineering"(e-LSE) reportrs the original research in science and engineering at a high level in electronic form. The scope of e-LSE spans the whole range of science and engineering. The e-LSE includes interdisciplinary topics in a variety of application fields. Electronically published since 2005, e-LSE provides rapid publication of topical research into the integration of science and engineering techniques.

Ethics in Publishing

e-LSE pays attention to ethics in publishing in all levels. All articles submitted to the journal should be prepared by considering the internationally recognized ethical guildelines. Author(s) can get more information on publishing ethics from Committee on Publication Ethichs (COPE) website (

All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using iThenticate plagiarism detection system. Manuscripts with a high similarity rate will not be considered for review and publication.


Template of the manuscript can be downloaded from the following link:

Manuscript Template (.docx)

Copyright form of the manuscript can be downloaded from the following link:

Copyright Form

Preparation of Manuscript
a) Author(s) should use these specific styles for each part (for example title, abstract, keyword etc.) of the manuscript. The detailed information about these styles can be found in the template file.

b) Author(s) should provide both Turkish and English versions of the title, abstract and keywords.

c) The full name(s) of the author(s) should be given. In addition the e-mail address(es), affiliation(s), and ORCID's of all author’s should be provided. The telephone number of the corresponding author should be written.

d) The citations should be given in IEEE Style. Authors can get help from citation management applications/tools when preparing their papers. The title of the citations section should be “References”. In text citations should be writeen in square brackets like [1], [3-5] etc.

Ethical Principles

Electronics Letters on Science and Engineering (e-LSE) pays attention to ethics in publishing in all levels. All articles submitted to the journal should be prepared by considering the internationally recognized ethical guidelines. Author(s) can get more information on publishing ethics from Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) website ( To attestation the unity of the published papers, e-LSE editors are handled for using COPE’s flowcharts on condition that they suspect an ethical matter about the paper they process.

Authors are boosted to submit novel and high quality works that have not been accepted or published by other journals. It is encouraged the best standards of publication ethics and it is taken all possible precaution against publication carelessness. It is important to acknowledge on standards of appropriate ethical behavior for all parties related in the act of publishing: authors, editors, reviewers and the publisher. The journal publisher takes its tasks of custody over the all stages of publishing seriously and recognize ethical and other engagements.

All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using iThenticate plagiarism detection system. Manuscripts with a high similarity rate will not be considered for review and publication.
The authors, reviewers and editors of the journal are expected to strictly committed to ensuring the policy of publication ethics and malpractice, and observance to the following statements:

Authors' Responsibilities

e-LSE is a peer-reviewed journal, and authors are obliged to participate in our single-blind peer review process. Unethical publishing behaviors such as plagiarism and self-plagiarism (There are many forms of plagiarism like copying or substantially paraphrasing any other work, and claiming results from papers published by others.) are unacceptable for in the e-LSE. All forms of plagiarism are intolerable and the work will be rejected during evaluation process*. At least corresponding author have to sign and attach "e-LSE Copyright Form" while submission process.
Each submitted work will be pre-reviewed by a member of "Editorial Assistants - Secretary" for their formal body, formatting in consistency with the "Author Guidelines", including in mind correspondence to the journal sections and topics, etc. When a paper is prepared in a proper way the article will be sent to the section editor for single blind peer reviewing by at least two independent reviewers. The peer reviewing of the work is mandatory and authors must admit this rule.

At least two reviewers comments and recommendations will be sent to the author(s) Following the the review process completion by the section editor. During the revision process, the author is required to submit the files containing the tracked changes, the final clean version of the manuscript and responses to the comments of the reviewers. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to assurance that the work has been confirmed by all the other authors.

Co-authors should have remarkable support in the work. Any other persons who have been attended in a project and/or a research as a collaborators should be listed as contributors in the acknowledgement.

When the author detects a major error or mistake in the submitted work or previously published paper, he/she is obliged to promptly notify the editor or publisher. After this stage, the author should either withdraw the paper or try to edit the paper in cooperation with the publisher / editor. Three different corrections can be made in e-LSE. These are erratum, addendum, corrigendum note. If the editor or publisher determines the work published contains significant errors by a third party, the author must either correct the article quickly or prove the accuracy of the article and provide evidence. If the author does not fulfill this obligation, the article will be withdrawn.

Before submitting any work to the e-LSE the authors must ensure that;

i)   the work is his/her/their own original work and does not infringe the copyright or other rights,
ii)  the work or any version with minor revision of it has not previously been published or submitted for publication elsewhere,
iii) the work must not be under evaluation for any other publication as it is being evaluated by the e-LSE,
iv) all the data in the work is high scientific and technical standard,
v)  potential conflicts of interest should be remarked at the earliest stage possible (should be written to the editor note in the submission stage),
vi) if the work is about clinical and experimental studies on human or animal subjects, it should be attached an ethical report (Ethics Committee Approval) while submission. this approval must be stated in the work and documented.
vii)In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about the permit (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section as well as on the first / last page of the article.

Reviewers' Responsibilities

Following a manuscript submission, one of the members of the e-LSE Editorial Board determines appropriate reviewers according to subject of the manuscript. e-LSE reviewer pool, DergiPark User Pool or new reviewer invitation are the source of the potential reviewers. Before the review process, works are checked for plagiarism using iThenticate by the Editorial Assistants. Works could be rejected after plagiarism process. Invited reviewers are free to accept or decline the invitation. If the reviewer accepts invitation, however he/she understands that he/she has not insufficient knowledge about the subject, should inform the Section Editor and cancel the process. e-LSE review process is single blind and done by at least two independent reviewers who are experts in their fields. Generally, the review invitation of the third reviewer depends on if the two reviewers’ decision are quite different. After reviewer accepts invitation, it is expected to return his/her response using "e-LSE Reviewer Recommendation and Comments" form within 21 days. The review decision could be one of them: Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision, Reject and Resubmit, Reject. Next, decision of the review is informed to the author(s).

All manuscripts are confidential and should not be shared with any other people in any way.

Reviewers should reconsider the work, write their reports and make their decisions in an objective way. The opinions about the work should be presented unbiased and based on scientific values. Personal preferences about the work and personal thoughts about the author(s) should not affect the decision process. Reviewers should not make personal criticism of the author(s). Reviewers should express their opinions evidently with associated arguments. A review should evaluate works for their scholarly content, regardless of folk, gender, religious, ethnic provenance, nationality, or political idea of the authors.

Reviewers’ research must not reveal the unpublished materials without permission from the author(s) in his/her research. Private information or ideas should be kept confidential during the review process and should not be used for personal benefits. If the reviewer has a conflict of interest, connection or association with the author(s), institution or company that conducted the study, he/she should not accept the evaluation and report this to the Section Editor. Since the process is single blind, reviews are not allowed to contact the author(s) directly. If the reviewer needs additional information or additional materials about the work, he/she may request it by notifying the Section Editor.

Decision of the finished review process are informed to the corresponding author(s).

Editors' Responsibilities

Following the pre-review phase, the manuscript is sent to Editor-In-Chief for evaluation. Editor-In-Chief assigns a Section Editor. The Section Editor determines at least two reviewers whose study interest is related with the manuscript and sends the article for evaluation. Generally, the review invitation of the third reviewer depends on if the two reviewers’ decision are quite different. After the reviewers' submission of their evaluations, the Section Editor can decide “Accept”, “Minor Revision”, “Major Revision”, “Reject and Resubmit” or “Reject " according to the comments. After a revision request, the author is required to submit the files: the manuscript file which shows (highlights) changes made (usually known as track changes), the manuscript file in final clean version (which the changes made are accepted), and responses to the comments of the reviewers. After the author(s)' response to the revision request the Section Editor sends the uploaded files to reviewers again. The Section Editor has the right to change previous reviewers or the number of the reviewers. A revision can be requested from the author at most 2 times and otherwise the article is rejected. The Section Editor reports the result of the last evaluation to the Editor-In-Chief.

Copyright infringement and plagiarism are two important issues in the editorial process. In case of occurrence or violation of these situations, the Editors inform the Editor-In-Chief. In these processes, Editor-In-Chief manages legal obligations and compliance/non-compliance with “Copyright and Consent Form”.

The selection of editors and reviewers should be unbiased and based on merit. An editor should evaluate works for their scholarly content, regardless of folk, gender, religious, ethnic provenance, nationality, or political idea of the authors. Editor and any official of the journal should not share any information in the submitted work with anyone other than the authors, reviewers and the publisher during the evaluation process. In case the work is rejected, this information is found as confidential information and should not be shared. Information about the unpublished work must not be used in editor’s own research without the express written consent of the author. Similarly, editors and any official are prohibited from keeping this information confidential and using it for personal benefits. The editors should pay special care to provide a healthy communication throughout evaluation process. If the edit has a conflict of interest, connection or association with the author(s), institution or company that conducted the work, he/she should not accept the editorial process and report this to the Editor-In-Chief. Thus, Editor-In-Chief has to assign a new editor to work.

An editor who provides evidence of erroneous results, plagiarism, duplication or major error in the published article, is obliged to report corrections, retractions or similar situations as a subject of erratum, addendum, corrigendum note to the Editor-In-Chief.

The editor should take reasonable precautions when ethical complaints arise in the submitted/published work. Within the scope of these measures, the author of the work will be asked to respond to complaints and claims. The editor can contact institutions other than authors.

Publication Policy

The e-LSE is a peer reviewed international scientific journal which has an open access policy. The first round of peer review is 30 days average; and the second round is 20 days average.

Publication Process

1. The manuscript is sent with the copyright form in its first submission. Journal secretaries check that the manuscript meets the journal style and spelling rules. Then, the similarity rate is checked in the plagiarism program and if necessary, correction is requested by contacting the author.

2. After the pre-review phase, the manuscript is sent to Editor-In-Chief for evaluation. Editor-In-Chief assigns a Section Editor. The Section Editor determines at least two reviewers whose study interest is related with the manuscript and sends the article for evaluation. Type of peer review is single-blind. The reviewers submit their evaluations via the "e-LSE Reviewer Recommendation and Comments" form. The Section Editor can decide "Accept", "Revision" or "Reject" according to the comments. During the revision process, the author is required to submit the files containing the tracked changes, the final clean version of the manuscript and responses to the comments of the reviewers. The Section Editor sends the files from the author to the reviewers again. The Section Editor has the right to change reviewers or increase their number. A revision can be requested from the author at most 3 times and otherwise the article is rejected. The Section Editor reports the result of the evaluation to the Editor-In-Chief.

3. The Editor-In-Chief makes the final decision, taking into account the Section Editor's suggestion, the comments of the reviewers and the authors' responses.

4. In the case of acceptance, the article is checked for spelling and language control for the last time. At this stage, if necessary, the author is contacted. After these processes, the article is ready for publication and added to the first issue to be published.

* Evaluation process describes the whole process of the work from submission to final decision or publication.

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